Friday, October 23, 2015

Reflective Learning Week 3

     This is my first class of Cell Theory and Development because I had just registered as a student in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). During this class, our lecturer, Prof Dr Parameswari had just explained to us, a second intake student about this course such as about the assignment which includes reflective learning journal blog and also trainee scientist in school. Then, the class continued with the lesson about the topic on concept map of origin of life. At first, I just a little bit blurred because this was my first class. I just focused on what Dr Parameswari teaching and try to learn it slowly. Then, we were divided in a group to do the SLC activity about this topic. We need to do the mind map by using the words given and need to rearrange them according to the history of life. 

     During this activity my friends and I cannot catch up and arrange the words given. We failed to arrange them in order correctly because we do not understand the topic and we have not learned about this yet. But then, we correct them during our discussion with Dr Parameswari. For me this SCL activity could help student to enhanced and refresh the topic that they have learned and makes them more understand. I think this topic I have learned during my high school, but in UPM this topic was learned a bit deeper. This is because I am not familiar with the words such as prebiotic broth hypothesis which includes Miller-Urey’s Experiment, protobionts and phylogenetics. Overall, I was enjoyed my first lecture even I could not understand them clearly but I will try to study and asked my friends or my lecturer on the topic that I could not understand.